Alvarez / Frost, Falcons of the Week

Alvarez / Frost, Falcons of the Week

Coalinga College would like to congratulate its Student-Athletes of the Week, Josilynn Alvarez of softball and William Frost from the rodeo team!

Josilynn Alvarez, Sophomore, Infield, Bakersfield High School
Josilynn was the leadoff batter in all three games during the week. She proved to be a formidable presence at the top of the lineup, challenging opposing teams to get her out. Her dedication on the field is paying off, as well as her dedication to academics as she prepares to graduate this spring.

Josilynn is majoring in elementary education.

William Frost, Freshman, Fillmore High School (Fillmore, CA)
William placed first in the team roping event at the Fresno State University rodeo. “William’s eagerness to practice and improve has led him to a rodeo win,” said head coach Justin Strickland.

William is majoring in political science.